Thursday, September 20, 2012


After Effects Apprentice by Trish and Chris Meyer CMP Books
After Effects in Production by Trish and Chris Meyer, CMP Books, ISBN: 1-57820-2647
After Effects and Photoshop by Jeff Foster, 2nd edition, ISBN:0-7821-4455-1


Week 1:          Lecture:
§ Welcome to Intermediate Motion Graphics
§ Review After Effects cs5.5 Interface
§ Review Preparing Images for compositing in Photoshop and Illustrator, i.e. the creation of Alpha Channels, Layers, etc.
Design and create a title sequence for yourself (maybe to be used for your demo reel!)
                        Homework: Due Week 2:
1.      Refine and finish the “title sequence” that was started in-class. 
2.      Review Chapter 2: Animation Assistants in the textbook before next class.
3.      Prepare 2 images with appropriate alpha channels of 2 similarly shaped people/objects for next weeks class, i.e. front-facing photos 2 people, a hand and some similarly shaped tree-branches etc.
Week 2:          Lecture:
§ Critique of last week’s assignment
§ Sweetening Motion Graphics with traditional Character Animation techniques
§ Using Animation Assistants
§ Turning Photoshop into Animation
§ Morphing
Create tif animation and  Morphing
                        Homework: Due Week 3:
1.      Bring a .wav file of some music that you really like and headphones to next week’s class.
2.      Design and storyboard a 45 second (minimum) music video for the music you brought into class that seamlessly combines elements created in different software packages.  For example combine a Flash or Maya animation with a Photoshop image.The music video will serve as your midterm project so make it count
Week 3:          Lecture:
§ Critique of Morphing exercise
§ Preferences and Settings before we get into deep water
§ Animating to Sound in After Effects
§ Keyframe Manipulation
§ Homework: Due Week 4:
§ Create a short ad using visualized sound effects.
Week 4:           Lecture: the 3D space in After Effect
                        The importance of Consistency in Design
                         Working in the 3D Space
                         How to use Cameras
            Lab:  Create a Cube consisting of animated sides.
Homework: Due Week 5
1.      Create your midterm music video project and render it in the 720x480 format with sorensen video3 or H264 compression!!! Present it next week!!!
Week 5:          
Critique Midterm music video projects
Discuss techniques/process used to create the projects
Discuss and troubleshoot any technical issues that arise during the creation of the projects
Discuss Specs for Final Project
               Homework: Due Week 6:
1.) Do the changes requested to the Music Video project and turn it in as homework.
2. )Write a Log Line and Treatment for the Final Project which is to be a 1-2 minutes short utilizing Afx with sound.

Week 6:          Lecture:
                         Final Project Treatment Pitches
                         Using and Animating Lights
                          Materials in AFX
          Lab: Create light sources and light in a scene that has a background, middle ground and foreground. Create drop shadows that animate.
                        Home work: Finish the project above.
Week 7:          Lecture:
§ Using the Puppet tool
Design and rig a 2D character..
                        Homework: Due Week 9
1.      Create Storyboards for Final Project
2.      Make a short animation for the character you created in-class

Week 8:          Lecture:
§ Critique 2D character Rig and Final Project Storyboards
§ Creating Dynamic Composition
§ Using Expressions
Refine storyboards, start working on animatic of final project.
                        Homework: Due Week 10
1.     Start creating artwork for you Final Project (3D models, drawings, etc

Week 9:        Lecture: NO CLASS – OBSERVATION OF LABOR DAY!

Week 10:        Lecture:
 Critique “Works in Progress” of the Final Project. Work has to be virtually done and reviewed by me. At this point you take suggestions as to how you can improve your work for turning it in next week.
                        Continue working on final project.
                        Homework Due Week 11:
Work on Final Project, make revisions and necessary changes.
Week 11:        Final Exam and Critique of Final Project!

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